What Do You Want Most


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

Dec. 29, 2024

Psalm 42

What Do You Want Most in 2025?

1. As the Deer (vs. 1, 2)

A. Thirst

Psalm 63:1-2

Psalm 143:6

Isaiah 41:17-18

Isaiah 55:1

John 4:7-15

B. Who I want more than any other

Psalm 4:6

Psalm 44:3

Psalm 89:15-16

C. I Remember better Days (v. 4, 6b)

Like your camera roll or your memories that pop up on your phone, better days of the past. You know that God is a faithful God.

2. Where Is Your God? (v. 3, 10)

A. The Sneer of the Enemy (v. 3)

Many have put this Psalm in the context of the exile

Psalm 79:10

Joel 2:17

Micah 7:10

B. Tears to Eat (v. 3)

C. Overwhelmed by Life (v. 7)

3. Hope in God! (vs. 5, 11)

A. Commanding Yourself (vs. 5, 11)

B. The Character of God (vs. 8, 9)

C. The Battle Inside (v. 11)

1 Peter 1:3-4

Romans 15:13

Matthew 5:6


1. When looking ahead to 2025 what time and thought have you given to Jesus?

2. Have you been challenged to place your hope in Jesus?

Follow UP in the Word through the Week…


Read: Psalm 63:1-2

Have you experienced times of being thirsty for God the way the psalm describes? Have you sought out God’s satisfaction?


Read: Isaiah 41:17-18

What does this passage promise? What does this say about God’s character?


Read: John 4:7-15

Who is Jesus talking to in this passage and what does He promise her? What or who do you think this woman was going to before this to satisfy the longing in her life?


Read: Psalm 79

Have you every had someone ask where your God is? How have you answered them?


Read: 1 Peter 1:3-5

What are we born into through Christ in these verses? How would you explain that to someone else?


Read: Matthew 5:6

What do you hunger and thirst for most? Do you find yourself satisfied?