Don't Hold Back


Sunday - 9:30 AM Sunday School, 10:45 AM Worship Service | Wednesday 6:30 PM Men's Bible Study, Ladies' Bible Studies, Youth Group

Dec. 08, 2024

Psalm 33:1-5

Don’t Hold Back

1. Shout for Joy! (v. 1)

A. Why Do We Need a Command?

Philippians 4:4

Luke 2:10

James 1:2-4

Galatians 5:22-23

John 15:9-11

Hebrews 12:1-2

1 Peter 1:8-9

B. There Is a Certain Kind of People…

C. Get Out the Instruments (vs. 2, 3)

”For the psalmist and his world, it was praise that gave rise to music and formed it and controlled it.” James Mays, Psalms, 149.

D. More Shouting

2. The Word of the Lord (v. 4)

A. Upright

1 Peter 1:24-25

B. The Work of the Lord Is Done in Faithfulness

John 4:31-34

Ezekiel 12:25

1 Thessalonians 2:13

3. What God Loves (v. 5)

A. Righteousness

B. Justice

C. The Earth is Full of His Hesed

Exodus 34:6-7

Genesis 15:12

Genesis 15:17-18

Romans 3:23

1 John 1:7-10

Hebrews 9:14


1. What makes you hold back from shouting for joy over what Jesus has done?

2. Have you truly met Jesus the Savior?

Follow UP in the Word through the Week…


Read: Philippians 4:4

Why do you think that this verse and Psalm 33 have to command us to rejoice? In your own life how easy is it to rejoice right now? What holds you back?


Read: James 1:2-4

What is the command in these verses? What situations have you found it most difficult to have joy in?


Read: John 15:9-11

What are the ingredients for joy to be full according to Jesus? Have you seen this play out in your life?


Read: 1 Peter 1:24-25

How is the Word described in these verses? How would you explain this to someone else? What impact should it have on your life?


Read: Exodus 34:6-7

What words are used to describe the LORD in these verses? How can these attributes be a help to you and others when understanding who God is and what He does for us?


Read: Genesis 15

Abram encounters the LORD in this passage and desires proof from Him that God’s promises will happen. In a way that was familiar to Abram’s culture and world God shows that He will hold up both ends and pay the price for the unfaithfulness of Abram and his own children. How can you see the LORD carrying this out through Jesus and what impact does that have on your life?