Dec. 24, 2023
Luke 2:1-7
A Tale of Two Kingdoms
1. The Great Caesar
A. Augustus- Son of a god.
B. Expanded Roman Control
C. Organized a “new” Rome
Genesis 50:20
D. Senate Made Him a god after His Death
2. The City of David
A. O Little Town of Bethlehem
1 Samuel 16:1-5, 7, 10-13
B. A Covenant with David
2 Samuel 7:12-16
C. The Promise Did not age well
3. The Promise of One Greater on David’s Throne
A. Jesus, Lord at Thy Birth
Luke 1:31-33
B. Son of David
“One of the most important titles of Jesus in the New Testament is “Son of David.” Jesus Christ is great David’s greater Son…. Today, we can praise Him and proclaim Him King. We can declare that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father! (Phil. 2:10–11)” - Timothy C. Tennent, The Fulfillment
C. Where are you kneeling this Christmas?
Philippians 2:9-11
Follow UP in the Word through the Week…
Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
What was the LORD asking Samuel to do? What was his fear and how did the process proceed? What was the particular instruction God gave in the qualifications Samuel was to consider?
Read: 2 Samuel 7:1-16
What did David want to do and what did the prophet Nathan instruct him to do? What was the substance of the promise God made to David?
Read: Luke 1:31-33
Who is interacting with Mary in this text? What is the promise in these verses?
Read: Psalm 110
In the first verse who is the LORD speaking to? What other positions does this king occupy according to verse 4? The New Testament writers and early church leaders saw this Psalm as a direct reference to Jesus. What ways can you see this to be consistent with what you have learned about Jesus?
Read: Philippians 2:9-11
Who will bow before Jesus eventually? Why is that important?
We are encouraging everyone to read through the Bible in 2024! Pick up a paper copy of a reading plan at the church building on the table outside the office door or start a plan on your phone or tablet. Download the Gideon Bible App, YouVersion Bible App, or the Biblegateway App for a guided Bible plan to read through the Bible in 2024.